5 tips to starting your photography business off the right way!

Did you recently get a camera and want to start your photography business? If you answered yes, then I am so excited for you and happy you’re here. I could give you a list that could go on forever of things you should invest in and not invest in. But in today’s blog, I am going over 5 things you should be investing in when you 1st start a photography business:
Lightroom subscription – Right off the bat I highly suggest you learn Lightroom. You can start with a good preset and make sure you do your research. Lightroom is the editing software where you will be able to edit all of your photos. There are two versions of Lightroom i recommend investing in the Lightroom classic platform. They have so many new amazing features that will make editing easy.
Quality SD cards- You may think well an SD card is an SD card. And I completely understand because that was me when I first started out. I used to go to Walmart before each session to buy a new sd card because mine kept corrupting in the process of me putting it in my computer and then taking it out. SD cards are so important because thats were our clients images live before we export them into our Lightroom catalog to edit. You want to make sure that after each shot that is taken the photos are being processes into a high quality sd card. The one that i recommend is the san disk extreme pro 64gb.
Quality hard drive- The same as the SD card a quality hard drive is just as important. This is where you will be storing all of your galleries. You want to make sure that where youre storing your clients paid sessions is somewhere safe and of high quality. I recommend getting a lacie hard drive. Their storage quality and load time is incredible.
Gallery delivery service- Whenever you’re ready to deliver galleries to client i do not recommend uploading them to a google doc, drive, or individually emailing them. One that can seen so unprofessional especially if a client has already booked with a photographer in the past that had a gallery delivery service and two it isnt userfriendly for our clients to have to download each photo individually. I highly recommend using pixieset as your gallery delivery service. There is also other gallery delivery services such as pictime, shootproof, and cloudspot. I’ve personally used pixieset and have for my entire career as a photographer. I will leave a discount link at the bottom for you to try it out. I know pixieset has a free version but i personally choose to pay for the subscription because it allows my clients to download their photos at the highest resolution possible.
50 mm lens- If you recently got your camera it more than likely came with something called a kit lens. For the most part a kit lens will help you start becoming familiar with your camera. But if you’re wanting to master manual in your camera and have the ability to still produce quality images in any type of scenero i would recommend getting a prime lens. For example a 50mm lens or a 35mm lens. These lenses have the capability to preform amazing in low light conditions. And you’re also able to modify your setting in manual to create the pretty creamy backgrounds that you see in photos which is called bokeh.
Before I let you I have created an amazing resource that you can download today that will help you grow even more in your photography business journey. you can scroll on down to the show notes to download “The Beginners Guide to photography freebie” and if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us at hello@valerieclarkeducation.com .